Friday, 5 December 2014

Fred Feld, a night-club pianist

Fred Feld aka Freddy Feld was an American pianist who played at night clubs in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo during the 1950s and 1960s.

Friederick Wilhelm Feldman was born in the state of Iowa on 8 April 1914. He visited Rio de Janeiro in 1944, when he was 30 years old and decided to stay in that city permanently. Some time in the early 1950s Fred moved to Sao Paulo where the pay was better.

He played piano at night clubs located near-by Praça Franklin Roosevelt and settled himself in a flat on Avenida 9 de Julho circa 1957, where he collected art.

After living in São Paulo for a decade, Fred moved back to Rio de Janeiro in the mid 1960s where he had an 'appointment in Samarra' (*)  on 7 December 1970.

* reference to John O'Hara's 1934 novel 'Appointment in Samarra' based on an Arabic story about someone fleeing Death but in actuallity going straight to its fatal encounter.

Reporting about male hustlers increased after the murder of Fred Feld, an American pianist who worked in Copacabana night-clubs. Feld invited 22-year old Anival Fonseca back to his luxury apartment adjacent to Galeria Alaska. When the two entered into a dispute about how much Fred was willing to pay, Anival struck and killed the performer. Returning to the area several days later to continue hustling, he was apprehended by the police.

Commenting on the murder a week later to a local journalist, Paulo, a homosexual who lived near Lapa, explained the dependence of many middle-class gay men on male hustlers, and the precarious life that many ‘entendidos’ (low-profile gay men) lived…

excerpt from  'Beyond Carnival: Male homosexuality in 20th century Brazil'
written by James Green

published by University of Chicago Press

Fred Feld was assailed with an unidentified object which caused his death. 
news of Fred Feld's death was splashed at 'Luta Democrática' on 10 November 1970.
at first it was thought two 'hippies' had murdered Fred... but that was not so.

Até encerrarmos os trabalhos desta edição, as autoridades da 13a. Delegacia Policial, tendo à frente o delegado Armando Pano, não tinham ainda conseguido estabelecer as identidades de dois rapazes hippies, principais suspeitos da morte do pianista norte-americano Frederick Wilhelm Feldman, morto com um objeto contundente, no Edifício Alaska. Segundo o catálogo do Museu de New York, consta ser Fred Feldman, um dos maiores colecionadores internacionais de quadros. Sua morte teve grande repercussão no mundo artístico e seu corpo, dependendo dos entendimentos que estão sendo realizados entre o Consulado Americano e seus familiares, poderá ser transladado para seu estado natal de Iowa.  

Pontualíssimo em seus compromissos, Fred Feldman, contrariando seus habitos, não apareceu ao show de sábado, 7 Novembro 1970, onde se apresentaria junto ao também pianista Luiz Carlos Vinhas. No domingo, 8 de novembro, o gerente da boite-restaurante Flag, Sebastião Crispe Lopes, 28 anos, solteiro (morador a rua Bento Lisboa, 97, apto. 313) compareceu ao seu apartamento na Avenida Copacabana, 1241, apto.324, Edifício Alaska. Estranhando que o cadeado estava fora do lugar, imediatamente o fato foi comunicado às autoridades da 13a. Delegacia Policial, que compareceram ao local, defronte a delegacia.

A vítima, de 56 anos, foi encontrada inteiramente despida e coberta com um lençol. Fora morta com objeto contundente que não pôde ser determinado pela Perícia. Tinha ferimentos no rosto, queixo e afundamento do crânio. Para os técnicos do Instituto de Criminalística que no local recolheram um soquete de pilão, Fred foi pego de surpresa, não tendo chance de reação. O crime deve ter ocorrido entre 16:00 e 21:00 horas de sábado. O apartamento propositalmente ou não, tinha sido todo revirado e aparentemente vários objetos desapareceram. Grande quantidade de roupas esportes, bebidas finas, perfumes estrangeiros e objetos tradicionais de hippies foram recolhidos pelas autoridades.
10 November 1970 -  daily 'O Estado de São Paulo' reports about Fred Feld's slaying in Rio. Police was after a dark young man measuring 1.75 metres in height who was seen leaving the night-club Flag on Saturday afternoon. Fred would be dead a few hours later. 

two days later, on 12 November 1970, the murder was practically solved.

A Polícia da 13a. DP já não tem mais dúvidas de que Anival da Fonseca, principal suspeito da morte do pianista do Flag, encontrado morto e completamente nu no sofá de seu apartamento do Edifício Alaska. Anival apresentou um álibi quase que perfeito, mas contraditório em determinado ponto e, caso não confesse nas próximas horas, será indiciado no inquérito e sua prisão preventiva será solicitada à Justiça.

O acusado admitiu ontem à tarde, sua responsabilidade, afirmando que realmente estava no apartamento e viu quando seu comparsa, José de tal, o Zèzinho, agarrou o artista pelo pescoço, derrubando-o. A Polícia crê que, nas próximas horas, o mistério esteja desvendado, tendo certeza, de antemão, que o móvel do crime foi o roubo.

As autoridades policiais estão propensas a acreditar que a existência dêsse tal de Zèzinho seja uma fantasia de Anival, criada unicamente para desorientar as investigações. O suspeito teria praticado o crime premeditadamente e agido com calma, depois do assassinato, recolhendo os objetos de maior valor que o artista americano possuía.

Ao delegado Armando Pano da 1a. DP, disse Anival que sua intenção, era somente roubar, mas quando viu seu comparsa agarrar a vítima pelo pescoço, fugiu, não sabendo o paradeiro do tal de Zèzinho.


Desde que foi preso, ao voltar ao local do crime, o principal suspeito demonstrava nervosismo e dúvidas em suas afirmações. Não foi posto logo em liberdade por não ter um bom álibi para justificar sua presença em qualquer lugar, no período de 16:00 às 19:00 horas de sábado, horário em que se deu o crime. Disse Anival, que encontrou com sua namorada, às 21:50, na Rua Miguel Lemos, nas proximidades do Cine Metro. Foram depois ao cinema e posteriormente encontrou-se com seu comparsa, que o ameaçou de morte, caso fosse denunciado. Daí em diante não mais o viu.

Não resistindo aos constantes interrogatórios dos repórteres e policiais, Anival confessou, que realmente pretendia roubar Fred Feldman e nesse sentido combinou com Zèzinho, chegando ambos ao Edifício Alaska, cerca das 16:00 horas. Bateram na porta e foram recebidos pelo pianista Fred, que os deixou entrar. Neste interim, diz o acusado, seu companheiro agarrou o artista pelo pescoço, derrubando-o. Em seguida, ficou apavorado, abandonando o apartamento. Voltou ao local do crime, para ter certeza do que ocorrera. Para as autoridades, Anival mente em muitos pontos.

A Polícia já tem certeza de que tudo é fantasia de Anival, e que, ele é o único culpado da morte do pianista, mas o detetive Otalício está em campo, juntamente com seus auxiliares, para localizar e prender o tal de Zèzinho, se é que ele de fato existe.

Segundo Anival, Zèzinho é moreno, tem uma namorada de nome Tânia, que é morena e de cabelos compridos. A prisão desta ultima poderá levar a Polícia a localizá-lo.

Por outro lado, o IML - Instituto Médico Legal - já aprontou o laudo do exame cadavérico: 'Causa mortis: fratura do crânio com hemorragia da meninge do cérebro, por ação contundente.' Os laudos complementares ainda não foram divulgados.
12 November 1970 - OESP gives more details about Fred Feld's murder on Saturday evening and it is clear to see that Anival da Fonseca, a Galeria Alaska hustler was the culprit. The newspaper says: 'Anival da Fonseca foi preso as 18:00 horas de segunda-feira, 9 Novembro 1970, pelo detetive Murta pouco depois de bater insistentemente à porta do apartamento de Fred Feld, que fora assassinado no sábado à tarde. Afirma que voltou ao local do crime na 2a. feira, para ver o que realmente tinha acontecido e que só soube que o assassínio se consumara ao chegar à Delegacia de Polícia. Para o delegado Armando Pano, no entanto, Anival cometeu o erro primário e psicológico do criminoso que volta ao local do crime. Trata-se de um marginal, que confessa não trabalhar, vivendo à custa de homossexuais.

11 November 1970 - American journalist Mary Wynne pays tribute to murdered pianist Fred Feld in her daily column 'São Paulo "Mary'-Go-Round' at 'O Estado de São Paulo'.

Fred Feld's a-quarter-of-a-century life in Brazil 

13 September 1949 - weekly magazine 'Revista do Radio' says 'Pelas calçadas de Copacabana' is the newest radio programme on Radio Mayrink Veiga in which they introduce the North-American pianist Fred Feld. This is the earliest mention of Mr. Feld's name we found in the Brazilian press. 
28 July 1954 - Hotel Comodoro on Avenida Duque de Caxias, 525 had a night-club called Captain's Bar where Feddy Feld played and became fast friends with French chansonier Jean Tranchant who was also a painter in his spare time. 
17 February 1955 - Fred Feld spelt his name as Freddy Feld sometimes. Here he plays at the Captain's Bar & Comodoro Grill in Avenida Duque de Caxias in São Paulo.

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15 January 1956 - columnist Jota writing for Rio de Janeiro's 'Correio da Manhã' visited the Captain's Bar at Hotel Comodoro and noticed the pianist Fred Feld was the same that had played at Bife de Ouro in Rio de Janeiro.
13 May 1956 - daily OESP columnist Mary Wynne says Freddy is back from vacation he took in Rio de Janeiro. Freddy told Mary he was homesick and intended to take a six-month-break to see his folks back in the U.S.A. Last time he went home he took a job as a lounge pianist at the Moore-McCormack (or Delta Lines).
23rd September 1956 - Michel's bar on Sundays had a relaxed atmosphere with fewer people comingo to see guitar virtuoso Paulinho Nogueira. That's when Fred Feld sat at his piano and played the latest hits he had heard during his last trip to the USA; this particular Sunday Fred sang  'I want you, I need you, I love you' which Elvis Presley took to #3 in June 1956. Ms Wynne kept her public well informed about what happened in the USA even though I doubt most readers had enough knowledge of English to what she meant:  'O seu maior sucesso do momento é 'I want you, I need you, I loooove you', do tão falado Elvis presley, o 'truck driver' que ficou o 'rage of the bobby soxers'... 
11 November 1956 - Ms Wynne always kept a little space in her column to say something about Fred Feld, the very popular pianist from Iowa. Fred played at a North-American function organized by a General Motors party in honour to Moore-McCormack's president. Judging by what Fred told Mary on 13 May he was doing the right thing at the right place...
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10 February 1957 - as one can see Fred Feld was an excellent pianist who was always present at O Estado de S.Paulo's column written by Mary Wynne. Here Mary writes about Fred's decorating his brand new apartment on Avenida 9 de Julho in Sao Paulo and his collection of neck-ties, cuff-links and art. French songster and artist Jean Tranchant gave Fred one of his paintings. 
17 February 1957 - Ms Wynne reports that Fred Feld plays his piano at Bar Michel on packed Sunday night sessions in which patrons come in wearing sportswear. Fred stops the show when he sings like Elvis Presley and does the US hit parade. He also performs Broadway show hits for the older crowd. 

Ms Wynne goes on and tells that at Oasis night-club there is a noisy crowd that gets really rowdy when William Forneaud & Elza Aguiar sing rock'n'roll hits accompanied by João de Lima & his combo. 
7 April 1957 - Fred Feld's birthday on 8 April 1957... the boy from Iowa... I-O-way!!!
28 April 1957 - As Sunday is guitar-virtuoso Paulo Nogueira's day off at Michel, Fred Feld will be the only performer there. Fred will play only 3 more days and then will visit his parents who moved from Iowa to California in 1956.
22 September 1957 - Mary Wynne says on 11 September 1957 she visited Fred Feld at Michel's and found the house packed with Americans who had been to see The Platters at Theatro Paramount and came in for their 'night cap'. Among them Mary saw a former girl-friend-colleague who used to work with her at the American Consulate in Sao Paulo during the World War II (1942-1945). Unfortunately, Mary didn't tell the lady's name who sang well... while Freddy played his piano, she started singing and gave a very pleasant 'impromptu show'.
20 December 1957 - Mary Wynne never missed a cue when it came to write about her particular friend and fellow countryman Fred Feld, who in his day off work traveled to Guaratinguetá-SP to play at the party of some well-off local family.

22 December 1957 - new night-club Michel will give a big New Year's Eve party, its first ever. Fred
Feld Trio will be playing followed by Moacyr Peixoto's combo having Johnny Alf as a crooner.

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5 January 1958 - Mary says: it is even possible to see Freddy with his accordion one day and he gets up and put on an impromptu show of his popular Chevalier's impersonation. Everyone knows either 'live' or on TV that Freddy is known as the 'Paulista Maurice Chevalier'.
2nd March 1958 - Ms Wynne's column brings a photo - unfortunately too poor for reproduction here - which shows Max, Othon's 'maitre d'hotel' who will soon go back to his native Germany; Gessy Rodrigues; Mary Gonçalves; drummer Antoninho & Fred Feld.
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1st February 1959 - Ms Wynne says Freddy Feld and Amaury Medeiros planned to write a fantastic musical revue with Amaury as the lyricist. 
22 February 1959 - Freddy is at Michel at Rua Major Sertorio, 106 plus Izio Gross & his Quartet.
1st March 1959 - Fred Feld is awarded the 1958 Sacizinho for best pianist in Sao Paulo's night-life.
7 March 1959 - from left to right: Fred Feld, Lonnie Sattin, Sylvinha Telles and Jimmy Christie, the owner of Michel's where Fred played on and off.
22nd March 1959 - Italian painter Modiano Tomei offers one of his canvas to art-collector Fred Feld who is obviously happy to see his own likeness portrayed so artistically. 

9 August 1959 - This is Madiano Tomei, an Italian painter who chose São Paulo to be his permanent home since the early 1950s.
26 April 1959 - Mary Wynne's friendship to Fred Feldman went beyond that of simply pals. She was really attached to him in a way that is clearly seen in the tenderness she describes his contentment at his new job as musical director at Michel's and his rapport with trombone player Maciel, bass player Luizinho and piano player Mario Casali.
20 May 1959 - Mary Wynne says Freddy Feld spent the week-end in Rio de Janeiro and told her Cab Calloway (born on 25 December 1907) was still the same at 52 years old as he was at 32 when he was on top. Ms Wynne gets all nostalgic remembering her young years at college when she'd hear a lot of Mr Calloway's 'hey-de-ho'... 
13 June 1959 - Mary Wynne finally finds a suitable photo of Fred Feld playing his piano at Michel Bar. Even though it is a poor-quality photo one can hardly see Fred at the foreground, Joshua at the drums in the middle and Luiz (Chaves?) at the double-bass. Ms Wynne says the trio wore brand-new jackets sporting the letters Collegiate Trio
20 June 1959 - Mary Wynne writes about Barbara McNair, a new American singer performing at Michel: Barbara McNair é simplesmente 'wonderful' e, pela reação do publico assistindo à sua estréia no Michel ante-ontem, parece que todos concordam. Ela chegou ao microfone e sem nenhuma explicação, simplesmente 'opened her mouth and sang'... como cantou! A parte complicada do seu programa, a orquestração, Barbara deixou nas competentes mãos do pianista Freddy Feld, 'leading' seu trio. Completo silencia durante cada numero, seguido por entusiástico aplauso! A jovem cantora norte-americana demonstra perfeita 'poise' no palco, justificando sua experiencia de 'star' de teatro e boite nos E.U.A. Trabalhou com Duke Ellington no Copa City de Miami; foi a estrela de 'Body beautiful' na Broadway e grava em discos Coral

Seu repertorio agradou 100%, bem conhecido do publico: 'Yes, indeed', 'My baby just cares for me'; um medley de 'It's a wonderful thing to be in love', 'C'est magnifique', 'Ça c'est l'amour', 'I love Paris', 'The birth of the blues', 'The party is over' (da revista 'The bells are ringing'), 'Whole world in His hand' e 'When the saints go marching in'. Os dois ultimos, 'spirituals' tão contagiosamente interpretados que acabou todo mundo batendo palmas e cantando junto.

No primeiro show a Wanda Curtis, especialmente linda em 'all blue', apresentou algo totalmente novo; bem original sua interpretação de 'My heart belongs to daddy' acompanhada apenas por 'bass and drums'.

Freddy Feld também merece um grande bouquet, pois nos últimos tempos chegou a ser o 'maestro' dos acompanhamentos para todo e qualquer artista 'star'.

E o quarteto de Walter Wanderley é uma delicia em ritmos para dançar. Ouvi um verdadeiro 'concerto' de 'All the things you are'; primeiro em 'straight romance' com Walter ao orgão e depois bem 'bop'... Walter ao piano e o Hugo - fazendo um 'busman's holiday' depois de fechar o Fasano - 'drumming it up' numa espontânea 'jam session'. 

Em suma, a noite de ante-ontem (18 June 1959) no Michel - mesmo no finzinho com o conjunto Favorite Costumers -  foi agradabilíssima. Até amanhã, Mary Wynne. 

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3 January 1960 - as the new year starts Mary Wynne posts pictures of the best night-club performers awarded with her own Sacizinho Awards for 1957 & 1958, which was a competition promoted by daily O Estado de S.Paulo where readers would vote for their choice of 'best of'. See Freddy Feld's photo on the far right second from top who was voted the best pianist for 2 consecutive years. 
Fred Feld.
5 January 1960 - starting the new decade with Sylvia Telles singing at Michel's. Fred Feld Trio is part of the show. 
7 February 1960 - Mary Wynne says the combo usually known as Vadeco-Odilon, Conjunto Baiuca or Os Brasilias should settle to a real name and suggests they should make a poll with their patrons to choose a name; Quem sabe não seria boa ideia colocar uma caixa de sugestões lá na Baiuca para achar o nome bem certo? Quero chamar a especial atenção dos fãs para a 'femme fatal' Lucia (também conhecida como Saba). Em menos de 1 ano, Vadeco e Odilon juntando-se ao conjunto de Plinio conseguiram organizar um repertório dos mais variados.

Ms Wynne also tells who were winning the poll: 1959's best of night-club acts so far:

national attraction: Maysa, Leny Eversong, Agostinho dos Santos, Isaura Garcia & Angela Maria.
internacional atraction: Nat King Cole, Domenico Modugno, Sarah Vaughn, Billy Eckstein & Lonnie Sattin.
musical combo: Robledo, Vadeco & Odilon, Allen & Hugo, Fred Feld Trio & Breno Sauer.
pianist: Fred Feld, Pedrinho Mattar, Robledo, Moacyr Peixoto & Walter Wanderley.
musician: Paulinho Nogueira, Nicolau, Breno Sauer, Gafieira & Delfi Core.
female singer: Marta Janete, Iris Donath, Marta del Carmen, Claudette Soares & Cecy Amarilis.
male singer: Hugo Santana, Caco Velho, Vadeco, Orlando Ribeiro & Tony de Matos.
27 March 1960 - here is the photos of the best 1959 nigh-club-acts in São Paulo.
8 April 1960 - Mary Wynne congratulates Fred Feld on the day of his birthday... she also said Fred had rehearsed with Yvonne De Carlo the songs she would sing at Michel's... 
9 April 1960 - Yvonne de Carlo would sing at Teatro Record and later on go down Rua da Consolação to sing at Michel, accompanied by the Fred Feld Trio; see who's next after Yvonne De Carlo departs to the USA... none other than João Gilberto himself. 
13 April 1960 - Mr. Bossa Nova himself João Gilberto phone from Rio especially to ask Fred Feld to be his accompanist at the piano at his stint at Michel's starting as of Monday, 16 April 1960. 

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5 February 1961 -  Ms Wynne says pianist Pedrinho Mattar has traveled to Buenos Aires again. Guess who is playing the piano at 'A Baiuca' instead? Our favourite #1 pianist Fred Feld! Congratulations to Heraldo Funaro for having arranged such a 'special treat' for those who haunt his pleasant bar!
5 February 1961 - While Fred Feld played his piano at A Baiuca, young singer Elza Ribeiro & Os Modernistas do the musical part at Michel's show headed by comedienne Maria Vidal. Further down at La Vie en Rose, on Rua Major Sertorio, 114, Salomé Parisio & Trio Pagão & suas cabrochas do a carnaval show.
19 November 1961 - Some time in 1961, Fred Feld made a move from Michel to A Baiuca, on Praça Roosevelt. Ms Mary Wynne is still a big fan of his and print any note she can think of about Feld. Here Ms Wynne says 'petite' Claudette Soares & pianist Pedrinho Mattar really enjoyed listening to Fred Feld's rendition of old Broadway hits as well as new material like 'Camelot'. (it ran from 3rd December 1960 to 5 January 1963). Ms Wynne wonders whether Fred would soon be playing 'I belive in you' from the 'smash hit' 'How to succeed in business without really trying' (it ran from 14 October 1961 to 6 March 1965).

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12 July 1962 - Mary tells Freddy Feld and his combo is having a 2nd stint at Hotel Portillo in the Chilean Andes mountain resort. Ms Wynne complains that it takes too long for news from Chile to reach Sao Paulo. Actually, unknown to Mary, Fred had flown to Sao Paulo on 8 July 1962 to be present at Dave Gordon's  wedding to Denise Duran, late Dolores' baby sister who became a singer after her sister's death. Freddy had become good friends with the couple when they all performed at the Chilean resort in 1961. 
18 November 1962 - in a small note Mary Wynne says Fred Feld is playing his piano at Djalma, on Praça Roosevelt every night and during the day is still decorating his flat on rua 9 de Julho. That night-club was owned by Brazilian key-boardist Djalma Ferreira who would soon leave for the U.S.A.; according to some Djalma was too stingy to pay for advertising at Ms Wynne's column... that's why it's so hard to follow Fred Feld's whereabouts since he started working for him. 
8 December 1962 - before 1962 was through Fred Feld left off working for Djalma Ferreira on Praça Roosevelt. According to Mary Wynne, Fred formed a new trio with Luiz Chaves on the double-bass and Rubinho at drums and will try to play at Boyne Mountain Lodge in Michigan, U.S.A. 

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10 February 1963 - Ms Wynne says: Freddy Feld já recebeu seu Sacizinho de Ouro como o melhor pianista três vezes - 19571958 e 1959 voltou do Rio, onde obteve o auxilio da Embaixada Americana na tentativa de conseguir levar seu trio a Boyne Mountain Lodge em Michigan... nada adiantou devido a tal Musicians' Union... Mas, de outro lado, o Freddy foi convidado para tocar no Top Club do Baron Von Stukkart (Vogue) a ser inaugurado breve... 
22 March 1963 - Mary Wynne wonders whatever happened to Freddy Feld: Todo mundo anda me perguntando aonde está o Freddy Feld. É muito estranho o seu silêncio durante tanto tempo. Come home, Freddy! 
28 April 1963 - Ms Wynne mentions 'I Encontro Samba-Jazz' presented at Teatro Record starring Dick Farney, Moacyr Peixoto, Pedrinho Mattar, singer Leny Andrade and Dave Gordon who Mary says it is Fred's discovery. As you know Dave Gordon married Denise Duran on 8 July 1962 in which Fred was Dave's best man. Dave, Denise & Fred were all working nightly at Boite Djalma. 
28 April 1963 - talking about the Devil... here's a rare ad placed by Boite Djalma at Praça Franklin Roosevelt, 118 at Mary Wynne's column at Estadão. 
Freddy Feld & Dave Gordon pose for an article at November 1963 issue of Vogue magazine.
25 August 1963 - Ms Wynne receives news with 2 photos enclosed - from Freddy Feld & Dave Gordon from Hotel Portillo, in the Chilean Andes; she says: Freddy e seu trio serão lançados como 'modelos' no numero de 15 Novembro 1963 de Vogue, pois a equipe desta famosa revista esteve em Portillo fotografando para uma reportagem de 20 páginas. Imaginem agora, Freddy, Luiz Chaves, Rubinho e Dave manequins do Vogue. A ultima frase da carta é: 'Até a 1a. semana de Setembro'. 
8 December 1963 - after staying in Rio de Janeiro taking care of business - Fred tried to take bass-player Luiz Chaves & drummer Rubinho to work in the USA but apparently could not get working visas for the 2 musicians; Back in Sao Paulo, Freddy Feld starts a new job playing his piano at The Pub, on rua São Luiz, corner of Praça Dom José Gaspar.

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16 August 1965 - by mid-1965 Freddy Feld was already living in Rio de Janeiro; here's daily 'Correio da Manhã''s high-society columnist saying Freddy played his 'pianinho' (little piano) at The Flag restaurant's dinner party where one could mix with Danuza Leão, Betty Faria plus Theresas e Dolores... The Flag would turn out to be Freddy's last job...
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8 October 1969 - ad in the variety section of Rio de Janeiro's leading daily 'Correio da Manhã' announces pianists Luiz Carlos Vinhas and Fred Feld. This turned out to be Fred's last job for he would be murdered 14 months later on 7 December 1970.
31st October 1969 - 'Correio da Manhã' columnist Daniel Mas writes about Fred Feld's plans to record an album for Musidisc in which he will play 'Luciana' (Souto-Tapajós), the song that won Rio's 1969 International Song Festival, 'My funny Valentine', 'As tears go by' plus a song Fred wrote himself: 'I love you, my angel'. Two songs from the musical 'Hair' and 'Romeo & Juliet' from the blockbuster Zefirelli movie.
2nd November 1969 - Even though Fred Feld had relocated to Rio de Janeiro, he still worked in São Paulo eventually. His stint at Stardust at Largo do Arouche, 336 was a longish one. It's sad to think Fred would be murdered in another year (7 November 1970). 
27 November 1969 - This is just a small sample of how good Rio de Janeiro's night-life was: Claudette Soares & Pedrinho Mattar at Le Bilboquet; Helena de Lima at Drink; Fred Feld & Luiz Carlos Vinhas at Flag - bar & restaurant in the basement; Julie Joy at the Golden Room; Tito Madi & Ribamar at Cangaceiro.

'I love you, my angel', an album recorded by Fred Feld for Musidisc in 1969, was released in 1970. The liner notes written by gossip-columnist Maneco Müller previously known as Jacinto de Thormes, don't acknowledge his demise which leads us to believe the LP was released before Feld's murder.